Thursday, December 31, 2009

Blue Moon Rising

Tonight I'm welcoming 2010 with a bubble bath, Forrest Gump and some yummy guacamole and chips from Moe's.  Sounds exciting, huh??  It is, to me.  I have never been a party person.  I would much rather stay home where it's safe and bring in the new year in my jammies. I always, always watch the ball drop at Times Square. I've done that since my childhood and I don't see that ever changing.  

I guess the most exciting thing about tonight other than we're beginning a new decade (a decade that I KNOW will bring some pretty exciting changes to my life!), is we're having a blue moon tonight!  The second full month in a month is called a blue moon but it's rare that the moon is actually blue.  They don't occur very often, hence the saying "once in a blue moon".  I always wondered where that saying came from!  The next New Year's Eve blue moon will be in about 20 years or so.  I'll step outside as the clock strikes twelve tonight to see this phenomenon and wave goodbye to 2009.

Here's to 2010 and another chance for us to get this right.

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