Today I am loving these books!
I call 'em my "cowboy romances" and I've been reading them almost entirely at work. During roll call, break, after lunch, when the sheet metal crew has to work on the verticals and we have to get off the plane, just any spare minute I have. I LOVE them!! I haven't read sappy paperback romances probably since I was in my 20's but something about these grabbed my attention (and, no, not just the covers! Ha!).
The story takes place in Bramble, Texas ("Mayberry on crack") and revolves around twin sisters, Faith and Hope Scroggs. Their parents, 15 years old when they were born, kept Hope (hoping they'd be good parents) and gave Faith up for adoption, with the faith that she would return to them one day. She does and Going Cowboy Crazy, the first in the trilogy, is her story.
I've raised a few eyebrows with them at work. Especially with this one. My favorite of the two. Make Mine A Bad Boy. Yes, please. :) Hope's story.
She meets her match in tattooed, motorcycle-ridin' bad boy, Colt. Fire and gasoline, those two are.

I have laughed out loud so many times reading these books! They're hilarious, sexy and being from a small town, I can really relate to everybody being in their business all the time, plotting to "fix it" when all they're doing is making it worse. Bless their hearts. :)
If you're looking for a little guilty pleasure this summer, I highly recommend these books!
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