Friday, March 8, 2019

Tidying the pantry

We have a very small pantry.  A closet actually, in the hallway.  Away from the kitchen.  I've always thought that was weird.  In our next home, we will have a walk-in pantry fo' sho'.  Since it's small, it gets messy pretty easily.  Today I straightened and tidied and organized it and it looks much better!

This is how it looked before. 

And this was the bottom.  Eeeeeeeek!!  Couldn't find nothin'.

So after moving stuff and straightening cans and boxes, it looked like this.

This Mikasa basket I got from QVC was perfect for Larry's guilty pleasure.  Ramen noodle soups.  

I'm still scheduled for surgery Tuesday and now our house is neat and organized!  We bought a CatGenie and it's been the best thing we've ever bought in our entire lives.  Having two cats now made for a lot of work in the litter box department.  This thing has been sooooo nice to have.  Tabbie is having a little trouble getting used to it and had to go potty on Mama's bathroom rug but, bless his heart, he went on the rug and all I had to do was get it up and then throw the rug in the washing machine.  He's a smart boy.  Always has been.  Anyway, I sure hope he gets the hang of it soon.

1 comment:

  1. This was actually a ton of work especially for someone dragging around a Wound Vac and in constant pain. The result is awesome! LARRY
