Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Four months of da foot and some organization therapy!

March 6th.  Four lonnnnnng months since my initial ankle surgery.  How's it going??  Well, it looks better on the outside for sure.  Some new stuff is going on on the inside (popping and snapping) but I DO NOT want it fixed.  I have to go Tuesday for the skin graft but I don't want anything else "fixed" while I'm under.  I told Larry that.  I'm done with all of it.  If it doesn't get better on its own, it'll be like that 'til Jesus comes to get me.  I'm seriously done with surgeries.

The popping is pretty much constant but doesn't hurt.  The snapping (like a rubber band snapping) is not constant but does hurt.  I still have the burning, biting nerve pain in my toes ALL the time and the cold icy wet feeling in my toes sometimes.  And whatever pain that feels like it's in the bone is also not constant but it's regular enough to keep my attention.  So.  Here's the pic from Monday.  Lots better!!

I've been organizing some this week.  First time I've actually felt like messing with it.  I hopped on the whole Marie Kondo/KonMari tidying wagon in January but fell right back off when I realized I was going to have to have the energy to DO SOMETHING.  I did my closet yesterday and my dresser today.  I am quite pleased with myself.  I still need to finish the closet (I have stuff stuck everywhere!) but that'll have to wait until I can stand longer and climb up on a step ladder.  Sure can't do that right now.

Here are some before and after pics of my dresser drawers!

Bras and panties.  Before:

And after!

T-shirts.  Before:

And after!

Shorts.  Before:

And after!

Summer pajamas.  Before:

And after!

I was so in the zone that I didn't even GET a before pic of my winter jammies.  But here they are after!

And I ended up with TWO empties!  I only had eleven pairs of black yoga pants, too.  I trashed two pairs of holey ones since I just bought two new pairs last week. Ha!  

I'm actually embarrassed to show those before pics.  OMG.  Such a pig.  But they good now.  :)

I'll tackle the pantry tomorrow or Friday.  My dressing gets changed tomorrow and my foot always hurts worse after they change it.  Waaah.  But I'll post the pantry when I get it done, too!

1 comment:

  1. She can overcome pain and apathy the moment something appears untidy. It's the kind of attitude that can drive a fella crazy until I realize what this home would be like without her magic touches. LARRY
