Showing posts with label ain't no mama like my mama. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ain't no mama like my mama. Show all posts

Friday, November 16, 2018


Today is ten days since my ankle surgery.  Except for the horrible burning nerve pain that I'm still feeling, my foot really feels no different than before.  The pain at night is so bad that I can't sleep and only muscle relaxers knock me out.  My doctor in Columbus told me going in that there were no guarantees but I still had to try.  I had to TRY. 

During the procedure, he discovered the cause for my nerve pain.  Two layers of scar tissue was crushing it so he clamped the nerve out of the way while he scraped the scar tissue off and he also repaired the two torn ligaments and reattached a severed tendon (that we didn't know about) with anchors, sewed me up and then a couple of male nurses picked me up and body slammed me to the floor.

The first four days after my surgery were pure hell.  I had this unbearable muscle pain in my stomach, neck and shoulders from the anesthesia.  All I did was cry.  I took just about all of my Percocet but they didn't even help.  It was misery.  I couldn't move.  Mama and Daddy came to stay with us the Monday before my surgery and I don't know what I would have done without them and Larry taking such good care of me.  Larry helped me with my baths and Mama cooked and cleaned and did laundry and helped us take care of our boys.  Banjo loved going outside with Paw Paw!  

This is me before my surgery.  All fresh-faced and full of hope.  

This is me after.  Coming off of Propofol and ready to fight.

Ain't that the stuff that killed Michael Jackson??!!

The boys have kept me company and Kizzi is starting to find his place in our family.  And in our Christmas tree!  Tabbie Hoffman never touched a tree.  Kizzi has been up close and personal six times.  He's so much different from Tabbie.  Tabbie Hoffman is laidback and cool, just like his namesake.  Kizzi is a hurricane.  Climbing and biting and scratching and tearing up the place.  I feel like somebody just put him out in the country where Larry found him.  They couldn't deal with his bad little self.  He just needs to learn the rules.  Mama will teach him.

He better be glad he's so dang cute.

The boys and I have been binge watching "Game of Thrones", too.  Larry watched it earlier this year but I didn't so now I'm watching.  I'm getting hooked!  I want to freakin' kill that Joffrey punk, though.  Or at least take a good old-fashioned switch to him.  He's what??  13??  I'd beat his ass.

I go back to the doctor Monday to get the stitches taken out and I guess they'll put me in a boot of some sort.  It is extremely hard to be non-weightbearing for two weeks and I've done the best I could.  I was using a walker at first but I got my knee scooter yesterday so I'm more mobile and can get around the house.  It feels SO GOOD to be out of bed and in my kitchen again.  

Dear readers, please pray for healing for me.  Pray this nerve will calm down and I'll have a normal life again.  

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

My Birthday Tea Cart!

June is my birthday month!  And thanks to my sweet mama, who so lovingly kept my baby book and saved so many things from my childhood, I had some vintage things to make a birthday tea cart!  That Happy Birthday napkin is from my BEST birthday ever!  My third one, the year I got my Mrs. Beasley doll.  I still remember how excited I was to get her.  I still have her.

I'll be adding things here and there throughout the month but this is it!

I found this adorable little vintage birthday cake trinket box on eBay.

Can you think of anything better to go in it than a few candles from my own birthday cakes??

I got this card when I was ONE from my beloved Maw and Paw.  (And I picked up the little baby birthday angel at an estate sale a few weeks ago.)

This ballerina danced across my twelfth birthday cake, made by my mama, just as all of my birthday cakes were.  Still are.  :)

Such beautiful cards back then!

I got these two little cuties on eBay, too.

Mama and I got this little cowgirl baby planter with flowers in it at the hospital when I was born.  The company Daddy worked for sent it to us.

Thank you so much, Mama, for saving all this stuff for me and for teaching me to take care of my things.  Stuff you wouldn't really think would matter absolutely DOES matter when you are older.  It means so much.

So, Happy Birthday Month to me!  I can't wait to see what this month holds!