Sunday, January 26, 2020

Ice House Baby

Larry and I have spent the last three weekends down in Macon County helping my folks out and I know it's crazy but every time I go "home", I cry.  I cry for days gone by, people I've loved who are no longer with us, my schools that are no longer there, the general rundownness (is that a word??) of it all.  Yesterday, we went to the store for Mama and there it was.  My granddaddy's ice house.  Been there forever.  Ain't making plans to go anywhere now either.

Well, my granddaddy's ice house makes me cry, too.

When I got finished shopping for the things Mama needed, I got back to the truck and Larry says, "hold on a minute" and when I asked where he was going, he says, "I'm going in the store".  He comes out a few minutes later and goes to the ice freezer and gets a bag of ice, comes back to the truck and tells me he doesn't want me to cry anymore.  Awwww.

We drive over to the ice house and he takes my picture holding that bag of ice in front of it.  

Another Clark with ice there.  We've come full circle.

Larry said there was a bad glare from the sun but that wasn't it.

That was my granddaddy smiling down on me.