Sunrise, sunburn, sunset, repeat. We saw that on a t-shirt in a shop there and this was true for us. We both got a little burned, despite constantly spraying each other down with sunscreen. The days were overcast with long periods of bright beautiful sun and it was so absolutely worth it. Larry's immediately turned brown and mine has now. Gone are my days of burning, peeling and turning white again. Since menopause, my skin tans and my hair is curly. I'm a totally different girl!

We think that's probably 5th most romantic beach in the country, but who's arguing? It is romantic.
It's a beautiful place and the site of some Walking Dead scenes come fall! They filmed there my birthday week. Don't miss it!
I love this picture I took of Larry. He was so tired.
My poor foot's first dip in the ocean since she went to hell and came back. BEST. FEELING. EVER. !!!!!!!
Driftwood Beach is miles and miles of trees that were once part of a forest and now have become driftwood from years of the sea washing over them. We see lots of photographers there and we've even been there when a wedding was taking place. Yep. Quite the romantic spot and the best place for us to go first.
We can't go anywhere without a cat finding us! This little girl was right outside our townhouse Saturday night. (And Sunday morning. And Sunday night. And Monday morning.) She has her ear notched, which means she's a Jekyll Feral and has been caught, spayed and returned to live her life out on the beach and eat tuna and chicken and ham and whatever else visitors give her. Not a bad life at all. Shoot, I'd love it!
We got up early Sunday morning, had our coffee on the balcony and watched the sun come up. The breeze off the ocean was downright chilly at times and we were loving that! Got home and it's 100 degrees again. Ugh.
We spent Sunday morning at Jekyll Beach and could not have asked for better weather! We just sat and relaxed and fed the seagulls and took dips in the ocean and just enjoyed being together. I've never attended a more beautiful Sunday service. It was such a long time coming and we enjoyed every second. Look at that sky.
Georgia has the most beautiful coastline. I'm not sure why everybody wants to go to Florida all the time. Not a big deal at all. More room for us!
We went out Sunday afternoon and shopped a little and had supper at Jekyll Island Seafood Company. And I got to wear my new Lilly dress! I was so scared I'd get shrimp and grits on it. I bought it earlier this summer JUST to have when we went to the beach. It did not disappoint.
We played 18 holes of miniature golf and Larry only beat me by two strokes, which was a straight miracle. I suck at golf, miniature or otherwise. It was so fun, though.
We spent some all-to-ourselves time in the pool Monday morning, had breakfast at the Jekyll Island Golf Club and went back to the beach for a while. We always have to go and say "see ya later" to the ocean. Ever since I was a tiny girl, I've had to do that. Not goodbye, see ya later. 'Cause I will.
Larry feeding the seagulls again. Popcorn this time. We "met" one seagull, Hoppy, we called him, who only had one foot. He was there Sunday and Monday.
Larry wrote this in the sand.
It sure was.