I had an MRI last Friday because I'm still in pain and my foot is swelling. I went for my last (I hope!) appointment at the Wound Care Center yesterday and my wound has finally closed up and healed, just a couple of tiny scabbies but I think it's going to be okay now. It's scarred so badly that the doctor said yesterday when she looked at it, "Look at your poor little foot".
I was supposed to get the PICC line out yesterday, too, but the doc decided to wait until I see my foot doctor (tomorrow) as the MRI showed fluid still in the joint AND a torn ligament. The same ligament that was repaired in November. The repair didn't work. He put in two corkscrew anchors and sutured the tear but the ligament just didn't attach. I guess we knew that was a possibility but after everything I've been through, ending up with the same torn ligament was not what I expected. I'll see the doctor tomorrow and we'll talk about my options. I think it's time for another set of eyes to look at me and my MRI. We'll see.
Larry's having a cardiac ablation next week, Monday, I hope. We were set to go last week but there was a hiccup with the insurance and the VA and the doctor's office so we had to reschedule. I cannot tell y'all how irritated that made me. I cannot STAND incompetence. Don't schedule a procedure until you have all your little ducks lined up. Just me??
School started back here today. That's just crazy early to me. We always went back at the end of August. Oh well, no back to school at our house! Except the kids who wait at the bus stop Larry made for them. Our house is a neighborhood bus stop and Larry made a little bench for the kids to wait on. And the bus actually stops there! Soooo cute.
It's still summer here! I hope we get to the beach this month or at least by the time I start lighting pumpkin candles. I need some vitamin SEA!!
***UPDATE*** I have TWO completely torn ligaments and a torn tendon. The same ones that were repaired in November. The repairs did not take. Or hold. Or what-the-hell-ever. I'm DONE. Doc says he did everything that could be done and I'm going to start physical therapy and pray that helps. Six weeks of it did not help seven years ago when I first broke my foot but I'm willing to try again. Maybe there's different care now. Different things they can do. I'm going back to work next month and we reserved a villa at the beach for later this month. Life is gonna go on around here.
It's all guesswork and hoping when things go south and you think you can handle it. Then is when you discover whether you have the strength God bequeathed His children. Ginger has it in spades.LARRY