I took an extra day off today to get some stuff done and one of them was the porch!
I wanted a little pink tree with sugar plums and flamingos and I've been collecting things for weeks.
I will tweak it a thousand times before Christmas but this is how it looks today!
Monday, November 28, 2016
Sunday, November 27, 2016
Christmastime's a'coming!
We did a little Christmas decorating this weekend. Got the tree up and I got my tea cart done today.
I love how it turned out!
The ceramic Christmas tree in our bedroom...
And here's the treeeeee!!
We got all of our shopping done and we'll do the lights outside and the porch next week. I'm gettin' excited!!!
I love how it turned out!
The ceramic Christmas tree in our bedroom...
And here's the treeeeee!!
We got all of our shopping done and we'll do the lights outside and the porch next week. I'm gettin' excited!!!
Friday, November 25, 2016
Not so mean muggin'
Sixteen years ago, I gave Larry a Bugs Bunny 3D coffee mug. He still has it. He has enjoyed a million cups of coffee from it. A couple of months ago, we found a Yosemite Sam mug at a flea market and we've been collecting others ever since.
We've found quite a few!! Larry made a shelf to hold them all.
Daffy, Pooh, Yosemite, Dalmation puppy, Sylvester, Tigger, Marvin, Tweety and Mickey!
And Ernie, Wyle, Eeyore, Snoopy, Popeye, Pluto, Taz, Minnie and Bugs!
If you want to get Larry something for Christmas, he'd love another one to add to his collection. They're all plastic and were released in the 90's by the Applause Company.
We're gonna need a bigger shelf.
We've found quite a few!! Larry made a shelf to hold them all.
Daffy, Pooh, Yosemite, Dalmation puppy, Sylvester, Tigger, Marvin, Tweety and Mickey!
And Ernie, Wyle, Eeyore, Snoopy, Popeye, Pluto, Taz, Minnie and Bugs!
If you want to get Larry something for Christmas, he'd love another one to add to his collection. They're all plastic and were released in the 90's by the Applause Company.
We're gonna need a bigger shelf.
Banjo is THREE!
Yesterday, we celebrated Thanksgiving AND Banjo's birthday! He went with us to Mama and Daddy's for the day and had lots of turkey and ham and love and cuddles from everybody. He was worn out and passed OUT as soon as we got home.
We got him a puppy dog cake from Wilson's Bakery and yesterday morning, we helped him eat it.
He had a little taste off my fingers.
Ham bones are MUCH better than cake anyway!
Tabbie Hoffman was watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and didn't partake of the birthday festivities.
Happy Third Birthday, our sweet Banjo!! You have brought us so much joy and laughter and we love you so much!!
We got him a puppy dog cake from Wilson's Bakery and yesterday morning, we helped him eat it.
He had a little taste off my fingers.
Ham bones are MUCH better than cake anyway!
Tabbie Hoffman was watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day parade and didn't partake of the birthday festivities.
Happy Third Birthday, our sweet Banjo!! You have brought us so much joy and laughter and we love you so much!!
Sunday, November 13, 2016
I'm with the activists, the peacemakers, the healers and the hopeful
Like millions, I've struggled with the results of last week's election. And I've lost "friends" on Facebook over it. It's not that Trump won, that's not the point. The point is and what disgusts me (and that's the word that got 'em!) is that when they cast their vote for that guy, they were telling him that they're okay with everything that he is. The ugly, racist, bigoted, sexual predator, homophobe that he is. And that I cannot condone. He is everything that I loathe in a human being. And I'm not alone.
You can share a life experience with someone, work side by side with someone, even be related to someone and still not be "friends". I found that out the hard way. So instead of unfriending some 300 people, I decided to unfriend myself. I'm taking a little break from Facebook. I'll enjoy the holidays, read some books, fill my home with more vintage goodness, love on my husband and family.
I read this article that I thought was perfect and I'm going to share it here.
To my ex-friends on Facebook:
I can’t do it anymore.
As much as I love you, as many good and bad times as we’ve been through together, even though I know there’s decency in you somewhere, I just can’t do it anymore.
I can’t read your Facebook posts, the ones where you laugh about voting for a man who bragged about sexually assaulting women or your gleeful posts about welfare recipients losing their benefits and reconcile that with my own definition of a good person. I can’t accept your casual cruelty. I can’t live with your veiled, dog-whistle racism.
This isn’t because I “didn’t get my way.” It isn’t because I feel “entitled.” That you would invalidate my feelings that way hurts most of all.
See, I have other Facebook friends besides you. Some of them are gay, or Muslim, or Latina, or undocumented. They fear for their lives today. They fear for their children’s safety. They are hurt and they’re grieving.
I have many, many friends who have survived domestic violence and sexual assault, so very many of them, more than you can imagine. Those friends woke up on Wednesday morning to the realization that a man who said his accusers were too ugly to assault was endorsed by nearly half the country as a leader. They woke up to newspapers splashed with pictures of a man who said that he could “grab women by the p*ssy” without their consent because he’s a big, big star. They saw the interviews with his supporters, telling them to “grow a set” and “get over it.” They woke up in a world that dismissed their pain because the world doesn’t get it.
Neither do you.
My friends of color saw a man elected as their president who was willing to hire as his campaign CEO one of the most vile racists that exists. They watched him begin his campaign by calling them, their friends, and their family members who face racial violence every day “rapists” and “drug dealers.” They’ve watched as Donald Trump actively sought out the hatred and paranoia of the most deplorable people in the world. They watched a man become president who called the first black president “evil” and illegitimate. They heard him, who has more than likely never visited one of the actual neighborhoods he says he’s going to fix, tell them they were “living in hell,” accuse them of having been so stupid as to have been duped into voting Democrat for several decades now, and demonize the only movement working toward ending the murders of their sons, mothers, brothers, fathers, and friends at the hands of police.
You helped elect that man.
Call me what you like. Send me ranting Facebook messages telling me that I’m closed-minded, that I’m unwilling to accept you for who you are, and that I’m a hypocrite for asking that all people be accepted for who they are. That’s fine. You may not understand that accepting a person for who they love is not the same as accepting a person for everyone they hate, but that’s okay.
Please don’t tell me you don’t hate them, either. You can’t continue to ignore the human rights abuses that have been perpetrated against them because of the policies you support and tell me you don’t hate.
Thanks to the magic of the “unfriend” button on Facebook, I don’t have to listen to you anymore. I can stop seeing the comment where you laughed when I was upset about Donald Trump tweeting false and racist memes to inflame the racism and violence his supporters inflicted on protesters. I can remove from my everyday experience your refusal to acknowledge your own privilege while you judge and stereotype others. I can refuse to condone by my silence the bigotry that you condoned when you cast your vote.
I can choose to surround myself with kind people, people who don’t selfishly lash out because of their own struggles but use those struggles to extend empathy to others. Right now, I need to be with the activists, the peacemakers, the healers, and the hopeful.
Let me know when you’re ready to join us.
You can share a life experience with someone, work side by side with someone, even be related to someone and still not be "friends". I found that out the hard way. So instead of unfriending some 300 people, I decided to unfriend myself. I'm taking a little break from Facebook. I'll enjoy the holidays, read some books, fill my home with more vintage goodness, love on my husband and family.
I read this article that I thought was perfect and I'm going to share it here.
To my ex-friends on Facebook:
I can’t do it anymore.
As much as I love you, as many good and bad times as we’ve been through together, even though I know there’s decency in you somewhere, I just can’t do it anymore.
I can’t read your Facebook posts, the ones where you laugh about voting for a man who bragged about sexually assaulting women or your gleeful posts about welfare recipients losing their benefits and reconcile that with my own definition of a good person. I can’t accept your casual cruelty. I can’t live with your veiled, dog-whistle racism.
This isn’t because I “didn’t get my way.” It isn’t because I feel “entitled.” That you would invalidate my feelings that way hurts most of all.
See, I have other Facebook friends besides you. Some of them are gay, or Muslim, or Latina, or undocumented. They fear for their lives today. They fear for their children’s safety. They are hurt and they’re grieving.
I have many, many friends who have survived domestic violence and sexual assault, so very many of them, more than you can imagine. Those friends woke up on Wednesday morning to the realization that a man who said his accusers were too ugly to assault was endorsed by nearly half the country as a leader. They woke up to newspapers splashed with pictures of a man who said that he could “grab women by the p*ssy” without their consent because he’s a big, big star. They saw the interviews with his supporters, telling them to “grow a set” and “get over it.” They woke up in a world that dismissed their pain because the world doesn’t get it.
Neither do you.
My friends of color saw a man elected as their president who was willing to hire as his campaign CEO one of the most vile racists that exists. They watched him begin his campaign by calling them, their friends, and their family members who face racial violence every day “rapists” and “drug dealers.” They’ve watched as Donald Trump actively sought out the hatred and paranoia of the most deplorable people in the world. They watched a man become president who called the first black president “evil” and illegitimate. They heard him, who has more than likely never visited one of the actual neighborhoods he says he’s going to fix, tell them they were “living in hell,” accuse them of having been so stupid as to have been duped into voting Democrat for several decades now, and demonize the only movement working toward ending the murders of their sons, mothers, brothers, fathers, and friends at the hands of police.
You helped elect that man.
Call me what you like. Send me ranting Facebook messages telling me that I’m closed-minded, that I’m unwilling to accept you for who you are, and that I’m a hypocrite for asking that all people be accepted for who they are. That’s fine. You may not understand that accepting a person for who they love is not the same as accepting a person for everyone they hate, but that’s okay.
Please don’t tell me you don’t hate them, either. You can’t continue to ignore the human rights abuses that have been perpetrated against them because of the policies you support and tell me you don’t hate.
Thanks to the magic of the “unfriend” button on Facebook, I don’t have to listen to you anymore. I can stop seeing the comment where you laughed when I was upset about Donald Trump tweeting false and racist memes to inflame the racism and violence his supporters inflicted on protesters. I can remove from my everyday experience your refusal to acknowledge your own privilege while you judge and stereotype others. I can refuse to condone by my silence the bigotry that you condoned when you cast your vote.
I can choose to surround myself with kind people, people who don’t selfishly lash out because of their own struggles but use those struggles to extend empathy to others. Right now, I need to be with the activists, the peacemakers, the healers, and the hopeful.
Let me know when you’re ready to join us.
Blessings -- one shoebox at a time
Larry and I had so much fun putting together our Operation Christmas Child shoebox this weekend. We look forward to doing this every year. We'll turn it in this week and then wait and see where it ends up!
We selected things for a little boy, aged 5-9, and this is what we got him! Toothpaste, Snoopy toothbrushes, a wash cloth, two bars of soap, a comb, a flashlight with batteries, marbles, toy cars, pens, a notebook, candy, a game, a pair of gloves, a little LED light-up bracelet, a stuffed Ty doggie, ChapStick, a little tube of sunscreen, a flip story/coloring book about Jesus' birth and death, crayons and a pack of God Loves You stickers.
I love this time of year! It's a lot of fun to shop and put these boxes together but what comes out of them is what really counts. We will pray for the little boy who receives this box and hope that his life is changed forever by accepting Jesus as his savior and sharing the Good News with everyone around him!
We selected things for a little boy, aged 5-9, and this is what we got him! Toothpaste, Snoopy toothbrushes, a wash cloth, two bars of soap, a comb, a flashlight with batteries, marbles, toy cars, pens, a notebook, candy, a game, a pair of gloves, a little LED light-up bracelet, a stuffed Ty doggie, ChapStick, a little tube of sunscreen, a flip story/coloring book about Jesus' birth and death, crayons and a pack of God Loves You stickers.
I love this time of year! It's a lot of fun to shop and put these boxes together but what comes out of them is what really counts. We will pray for the little boy who receives this box and hope that his life is changed forever by accepting Jesus as his savior and sharing the Good News with everyone around him!
Friday, November 11, 2016
Road Trip(s)!
Larry and I have been on the road the past two days! Yesterday, he spoke, along with a group of Braille folks, to the guys in the Braille program down at Alamo. Banjo and I went with him, dropped him off and then went to the park and enjoyed a beautiful, sunny, cool morning. After they were done, we all had lunch at the best little hole-in-the-wall country restaurant, Sharkey's. We had the lunch buffet, spaghetti with butter beans, fried squash, biscuits, banana pudding and we got some ham for Banjo.
We left Alamo in search of some thrift or vintage stores. We had asked and got directions to a good one called the "red barn" in Vidalia so we headed there. On the way, we ran smack dab into Mount Vernon and Brewton-Parker College. Larry graduated and got his degree from BP in 1985 so we had to stop! We walked around their beautiful campus and Larry got himself a shirt and a pennant to hang on the wall in his office.
Here's a picture I took of him under the Brewton-Parker arch.
Back on the road toward Vidalia and once we got there, we never saw a "red barn" vintage store so we stopped and asked. I have to hand it to Larry. He is NOT like other men who will just drive and drive aimlessly. He'll stop and talk to somebody! Come to find out, it's the Little Red WAGON and it's in Lyons. So off we went, down the road some more headed to Lyons. It was so worth the drive!
We saw an estate sale sign on the side of the road so we turned off and went to find it! We got a cherry quilt rack and a few other things. I found a couple of very old books, Gregg Shorthand and a book of American poetry.
We found lots of good stuff at the Little Red Wagon! A lot of vendors sell there and there's tons of vintage and antique but there's lots of good old Southern things, too, and boutique clothes. I got the cutest tank tunic that I hope to wear with leggings Thanksgiving, IF it's warm enough. You can't ever tell with fall in Georgia. It was 32 this morning and freezing, 78 this afternoon.
Here's our pretty quilt rack. I put my granny square afghan on it and an afghan that belonged to my own granny, Maw.
I found this potholder at the estate sale yesterday. It's right at home here. :D
We found these adorable little Christmas signs at the Little Red Wagon. They'll go in our beachy bathroom next month.
I cracked all the way up when I saw this Seven Willows soap! That's so Southern. I got a bar of sea salt soap to go in our bathroom, too. Savannah's Salt soap. Yummmm. I used to make my own soap. It's so much more cost-effective to buy somebody else's now. And saves time, too!
Who remembers learning shorthand? I never did but I remember my sweet Aunt Carol using it and writing up a storm when she worked as a legal secretary.
We wore Banjo OUT yesterday! But he had his blankey and pillow in the back seat so he didn't mind much. He was with us, he ran at the park and he got ham! He was a happy boy.
Today, we hit an estate sale first thing and then drove down to Montezuma and went to one there, too, in a beautiful old 116-year-old house. We went by the flea market in Oglethorpe and then went and visited with Mama and Daddy for a little while.
I found this little sweetie at the first estate sale this morning. A 1960's Enesco praying child head vase. He's right in front on the shelf with my lady heads, with lots of mamas to look after him.
The second estate sale, down in Montezuma, was fabulous!! That kitchen...swooooon. It was HUGE, with an island in the middle AND a little sitting area off to the side. The whole thing was decorated in roosters and chickens. Baskets and pots hung all over and five (yes, FIVE!) pie safes held beautiful baking dishes and chicken figurines. I coulda stayed in there all day. Until I saw the dressing room! They had turned a small bedroom (the whole house had been renovated and was just gorgeous!) into an area for the lady of the house to dress and do her makeup. There were full-length mirrors and bureaus and chifferobes and the best lighting I've ever seen. I walked in and my mouth fell open. Then I went and found Larry to show him! I found bags of Clinique stuff in a bureau drawer. I got all this for $8! Squeeeeeee!!!
We found quite a few treasures there and got a little Christmas shopping done, too!
I got these cute little bottles for the kitchen windowsill (that I'm constantly changing!).
And this pretty vase that I found on a window shelf in that beautiful rooster-y kitchen.
We stopped by a cotton field on the way home and took a few pictures.
Georgia snow. :)
I'm pouting because the wind was blowing my hair. I hate the wind blowing my hair. :)
We've had a great couple of days on the road! We stayin' our hinies HOME the rest of the weekend!
We left Alamo in search of some thrift or vintage stores. We had asked and got directions to a good one called the "red barn" in Vidalia so we headed there. On the way, we ran smack dab into Mount Vernon and Brewton-Parker College. Larry graduated and got his degree from BP in 1985 so we had to stop! We walked around their beautiful campus and Larry got himself a shirt and a pennant to hang on the wall in his office.
Here's a picture I took of him under the Brewton-Parker arch.
Back on the road toward Vidalia and once we got there, we never saw a "red barn" vintage store so we stopped and asked. I have to hand it to Larry. He is NOT like other men who will just drive and drive aimlessly. He'll stop and talk to somebody! Come to find out, it's the Little Red WAGON and it's in Lyons. So off we went, down the road some more headed to Lyons. It was so worth the drive!
We saw an estate sale sign on the side of the road so we turned off and went to find it! We got a cherry quilt rack and a few other things. I found a couple of very old books, Gregg Shorthand and a book of American poetry.

Here's our pretty quilt rack. I put my granny square afghan on it and an afghan that belonged to my own granny, Maw.
I found this potholder at the estate sale yesterday. It's right at home here. :D
We found these adorable little Christmas signs at the Little Red Wagon. They'll go in our beachy bathroom next month.
I cracked all the way up when I saw this Seven Willows soap! That's so Southern. I got a bar of sea salt soap to go in our bathroom, too. Savannah's Salt soap. Yummmm. I used to make my own soap. It's so much more cost-effective to buy somebody else's now. And saves time, too!
Who remembers learning shorthand? I never did but I remember my sweet Aunt Carol using it and writing up a storm when she worked as a legal secretary.
Larry found this 1960's Bobo The Clown inflatable punching bag for $3! Ricky and I had one very similar when we were kids, probably the 70's version. I love it!
We wore Banjo OUT yesterday! But he had his blankey and pillow in the back seat so he didn't mind much. He was with us, he ran at the park and he got ham! He was a happy boy.
Today, we hit an estate sale first thing and then drove down to Montezuma and went to one there, too, in a beautiful old 116-year-old house. We went by the flea market in Oglethorpe and then went and visited with Mama and Daddy for a little while.
I found this amazing 1967 Syroco atomic starburst clock at the flea market for FIVE DOLLARS! I've wanted one forever to go over the TV. I just love it. One just like it is listed on eBay RIGHT NOW for $150!! I knew it was special the second I saw it. It was just stuck on a shelf waaaaaay in the back, covered in dust. But I knew. I knew.
I found this little sweetie at the first estate sale this morning. A 1960's Enesco praying child head vase. He's right in front on the shelf with my lady heads, with lots of mamas to look after him.
The second estate sale, down in Montezuma, was fabulous!! That kitchen...swooooon. It was HUGE, with an island in the middle AND a little sitting area off to the side. The whole thing was decorated in roosters and chickens. Baskets and pots hung all over and five (yes, FIVE!) pie safes held beautiful baking dishes and chicken figurines. I coulda stayed in there all day. Until I saw the dressing room! They had turned a small bedroom (the whole house had been renovated and was just gorgeous!) into an area for the lady of the house to dress and do her makeup. There were full-length mirrors and bureaus and chifferobes and the best lighting I've ever seen. I walked in and my mouth fell open. Then I went and found Larry to show him! I found bags of Clinique stuff in a bureau drawer. I got all this for $8! Squeeeeeee!!!
We found quite a few treasures there and got a little Christmas shopping done, too!
I got these cute little bottles for the kitchen windowsill (that I'm constantly changing!).
And this pretty vase that I found on a window shelf in that beautiful rooster-y kitchen.
Georgia snow. :)
I'm pouting because the wind was blowing my hair. I hate the wind blowing my hair. :)
We've had a great couple of days on the road! We stayin' our hinies HOME the rest of the weekend!
road trips,
vintage love
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