Anyway, yesterday, we got Larry some winter clothes (Eddie Bauer and American Eagle flannel shirts for $3 and practically new work pants and jeans). I took the tags off them and made a pile on the floor to get them ready to wash and Tabbie Hoffman pretty much lost his mind over 'em. :) He would not get off them! I got a couple of flower pots and some little stuff. I wanted to get the other two pom pom pillows to go with the yellow one I got Thursday but since everything was going to be half off today, I waited and got them this afternoon. There were 300 people there this afternoon! I was #17 at 12:30. By 1:00, there were 100 people in line. It was crazy!! I waited in line an hour to pay and when I left, people were parking two streets over and walking. IN. SANE.
Yesterday before we went to that sale, Larry and I stopped at a little church fundraiser and I got this set of vintage salt and pepper shakers. A sweet little Amish couple! They're not really fall-ish but I still put 'em on my tea cart.
Then we drove out to Jeffersonville to an estate sale at this old rundown farmhouse that I've seen for years and years on the way to Savannah or the beach. I've always wanted to see it!! And yesterday, I got the chance! Y'all know this house, don't you?? It's on Highway 96 on the way to I-16 to go to the beach!
Here's the orange juice pitcher! $2.50! |

And here's the reason I went back today. To get this old braided rug for our porch. It was $30 but I said if it's meant to be, it'll still be there today for $15. And it was! I just love it!
Here's my fall tea cart so far! I love how it's come together. That little sign says, "Let's Get Stuffed!". Ha!
We made over $400 on resale items this month. So, it's not all buying to keep. And it's a lot of fun driving all over with Ginger and then seeing people, homes and things that otherwise we'd never know. Ginger works diligently to make our home a mishmash of cast-offs with a new purpose, eclectic gems that she makes sparkle with new life, creating something from items that thought they were destined for dusty old whatnot shelves. She's a dynamo of ingenuity and foresight. Y'all come see our estate sale in 40 or 50 years! LARRY