We have been so busy here at the Schneider Condostead! We are looking forward to May, when we're going to slow waaaaay down and smell the roses (or the daisies or the hibiscuses!).
Larry restored my old baby chest of drawers. My daddy cut it down from a chest that my grandparents had when he and Mama were expecting me, 47 years ago. I used it right on up until about five years ago, when the drawers were just falling apart and I had to store it for Larry to fix. I always knew he would be here to fix it! And so he did.
Here's a before, all sanded down and ready to paint. I wanted it painted exactly how my daddy painted it, white and trimmed in blue.
And here's the after! And it's back in use, in our bedroom.
We went to the Cherry Blossom Festival with Ami and Brian a couple of Sundays ago and had so much fun! Although we have probably had our first and last experience with a food truck. :)
A photographer from The Macon Telegraph was there and he asked us if he could take our picture! We said yes, thinking there was no way we'd ever make the paper. But we did! This was in last Monday's Telegraph.
Larry and Ginger Schneider of Warner Robins enjoy their food from the
Texas Tacos food truck along Third Street Sunday. JASON VORHEES —
jvorhees@macon.com | | |
Read more here: http://www.macon.com/2014/03/30/3021102/last-day-for-cherry-blossom-fest.html#storylink=cpy
I joked on Facebook that OF COURSE he'd have to use the one he took of me trying to eat my taco in one bite rather than one where I was eating a lime fry. Ugh. But still, we were excited to be in the newspaper!
That crowd? Is why we've probably done our first and last food truck. And two quesadillas, two tacos and two canned drinks for $29 is another reason.
We bought this beautiful handpainted gourd at the Cherry Blossom Festival and Larry hung it in a backyard tree. I just love it and can't wait for a birdy to move in!
We went bowling at the base's bowling alley, too, and Larry totally mopped the floor up with me. We grilled hamburgers and hot dogs and fed our Family Promise families at church last night and he played basketball, volleyball, foosball and shot pool with the kids. There is NO game Larry cannot play and he's so good at everything!
Larry was on spring break from school last week and he laid a walkway for us from the patio out to the shop...
Annnnnd you see all those little things on the ground?
Grass seed! :)
We bought some flowers at Lowe's and I planted purple petunias in a front yard bed and was SO happy to see that my Uncle J.B. (amaryllis) has a little bud! It didn't bloom at all last year. I have a pink impatien, orange Gerbera daisies and a gorgeous hibiscus to repot and put out on the patio and after Easter, we're going back for a big flower, veggie and herb trip to Lowe's. :) I've put a bloom booster around everything so we should have a beautiful yard this year!
We went up to Forsyth to Cash Liquidations and bought a beautiful lamp and sofa table. We'd been trying to thrift a sofa table and hadn't been able to find one we liked and we even looked at some brand new ones, although I really didn't want a brand new one. I wanted one that had been "loved" a little bit. We rode up to Forsyth one afternoon and found one and a cool boho lamp, too!
This past weekend, we went back to the beach and had a wonderful time! Saturday was gorgeous, warm, sunny, the water didn't turn our feet blue this time and we actually got to get out in the ocean and enjoy it. I think Larry enjoyed it a little more than I did. :)
Our friend, Lissa, told me on Facebook that we were eating life by the second, enjoying every bite. That's a good way to put it! We waited a very long time for this life and we are certainly not wasting a minute of it!!