...about ME! My friend, Kim, nominated me for a Tell Me About Yourself blogger award 'cause she thinks my blog is great! :) Thanks, Kim!! I think your blog is pretty great, too! And funny and inspiring and just what I need to read sometimes!
To claim this award, I have to do a couple of things. I have to tell seven totally random things about myself, pass the award on to seven other awesome bloggers and thank and link back the person who awarded me, which I think I've already done. I hope. :)
So here we go!
Seven Random Things About Me
1. I have a little scar on my right cheek that has been there since the moment I was born. From forceps pulling me out. I didn't want to come out. Me and Mama had us a good thing going and I was FINE with it.
2. I hate yogurt. Of any kind. I don't care if you put chocolate sprinkles on top, I can't eat it. I know it's good for you and would be oh-so-helpful in my weight loss journey but dang, it's clabber. Jerry Clower said so.
3. I love to watch scary movies! Alone. At home. On my sofa. Where I can scream and sometimes let an ugly word slip and laugh and yell at the victims and if they're real stupid, tell 'em they NEED killing.
4. I can wire up a circuit that will light two LEDs that blink. :)
5. I cannot stand a ringing telephone. Or talking on the phone. And in my current job, I'm a receptionist. I know. Makes no sense.
6. I can type really fast. The last time I was tested and timed, it was around 85 words per minute. I'm pretty dang accurate, too.
7. I almost never use my dishwasher anymore. Unless I'm cooking a big meal for my family or something. As much as I LOATHED washing dishes as a teenager (and that was probably because Mama MADE me), I actually prefer to hand wash my dishes now. There's something therapeutic about having your hands down in warm, soapy water and washing dishes clean. Just me?? :)
Okay, I nominate these awesome bloggers to do the same! Tell Me About Yourself!
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