I also have to wear a hard cast on my foot that long. My wound still has not healed and won't as long as there's infection in there. I hate the cast. I can't walk and I can't do stuff I want to do. This one I have now has pressed against my shin since Friday. I have to get a new cast every week. I've been picking a different color every time because why not?? A rainbow of casts. This week's will be red and we'll decorate it with 4th of July stickers.
Because we can. 'Murica.
But there is one little bright spot! I found some folks on Etsy that make PICC line covers. Really cute PICC line covers. I got this one and I LOVE it but it's too big for my arm, keeps sliding off. I ordered a smaller one and when I'm done with the treatment, I'm going to donate these (and any others I get) to the Infusion Center for somebody else to use. You know, pass it on.
Larry makes sure I get my probiotic every morning with my coffee and so far, I've had very few side effects from the medicine.
This Saturday will be eight months since my first surgery. Still wish I hadn't had it. My foot is so much worse off than it was then, horribly scarred and now I have a scar forever on my leg as well from the skin graft. Oh well, I'm taking one day at a time and I'll get back to some kind of normalcy. Eventually. Maybe.
We don't have big plans for the 4th. Just gonna binge watch the third season of "Stranger Things" on Netflix and then later, sit on the front porch with some sangria and watch the neighborhood fireworks show. Our neighborhood puts on a show that rivals the professionals. We are amazed every single year.
July, I don't know how you got here so quick but since you're here, please be sweet to us.
Watching Ginger go through the antibiotic treatments three times a day reminds me just how intrusive this has become for her. Yet she persisted! LARRY