Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Number FOUR

Good grief.  This is getting ridiculous, don't you think??

I had my fourth surgery on this foot last Thursday, again in Phenix City.  Larry snapped this pic of me sleeping hiding after we were done and back in my room.

I brought a pillow from home this time, old hand that I am nowadays.  Hospital pillows are awful. And a pretty silk pillowcase makes everything better, right??

The food is great at Hughston Memorial Hospital, as is the care.  No complaints there.  I just wanted to sleep, though.  I ate an Italian ice once I woke up and drank some juice and they brought me a chicken sandwich but I could only get two bites down. Friday morning, breakfast was toast, eggs and bacon.  Nope.  I couldn't eat that either. 

It took a while to sleep off that anesthesia.  I'm still sleepy, five days later.

Here's my foot now.  This time, Doc drained and flushed my ankle joint so I have two little stitched incisions on top of my foot and he removed the one remaining anchor and cleaned some scar tissue off my ankle joint.  He showed me pictures.  The joint was pretty much covered in scar tissue.  He had hoped that would stop the popping and snapping that I'm feeling in my ankle but as soon as I got home, they started back and now are pretty much constant when I'm walking.  The joint pain returned this morning so I don't know what's going on in there.   

My blood culture results will be in tomorrow or Thursday and we'll see if there's infection and then we'll deal with that as we have to, cross that bridge and all that.

I'm so ready to get on across this bridge!!!  Life is passing me by, the beach is still calling and my birthday is this month!  Come on, foot!!

1 comment:

  1. The test results were positive for anti-biotic resistant staph! Grrrr!! LARRY
