Wednesday, July 11, 2018

My summer girls

I've grown sunflowers along the backyard fence every summer that we've lived here.  This year, though, I was worried about them because we had such a cold, rainy March and that's when we planted them AND replanted them because squirrels dug them up, in spite of the Texas Pete!  

We planted more seeds with netting over them and that did the trick.  But it was almost April before they even sprouted!  (And we still don't have tomatoes or peppers.  Big bushy healthy plants.  NO maters.  NO peppers.)  

I had almost given up on them and then, all of a sudden, they just started busting out!

And they're just beautiful.

This one is the first to grow taller than the fence!  Ain't she a beaut??

1 comment:

  1. The weather isn't always a friend of these beautiful ladies, but when they bust out it's hard to remember the trials they went through to get to this point. LARRY
