The last weekend of January, I was having some pain in my upper gum. It started that Friday afternoon and I just shrugged it off as maybe I flossed my teeth too hard after lunch, cut my gum and it was sore. No biggie. I've done that before. Lots of times. I took some Motrin and went on about my business.
Saturday, we had Ami's birthday party and the best part about that day was the surprise visit of my dear lifelong friend, Lisa, and her little girl, Bella. I took this selfie of us sitting at Mama and Daddy's dining room table. I didn't even know she was back from Texas and I was SO happy to see her. Lisa and I have been best friends since she and her family moved to our neighborhood when we were teenagers, some 30+ years ago. Sometimes years go by without us seeing each other but when we do, it's just like old times. I love that girl.

Beanie and Katie are both growing like little weeds in the way that small children do. I am so blessed to be Aunt Ninner all over again.
Sunday, I went with Larry to help him finish up on a rental property he was working on and while he was repairing a cracked ceiling in the foyer closet, plaster particles got in his eye. We flushed his eye and used drops and I dug around but never could get it to feeling better. Sunday night, I was in so much pain with my gum that I texted my dentist around 7:00 and told her I thought a tooth was "blowing out" on me. That's what I call 'em when they abscess. :) And since I've had four to blow out on me, I know how that feels. She called me in an antibiotic and some pain medicine and I called her office the next morning and got in about 9:00. Poor Larry, with a plaster shard still in his eye, got up and went to work and I called and made him an appointment to see an eye doctor. He was having the shard removed the same time I was having a root canal and neither of us could be there for the other. He was fine after his doctor's visit, I still had problems. The infection in my tooth was so bad (and it only showed up FRIDAY! This was MONDAY!), that all she could do Monday was drain it and pack it and send me home with a script for Lortab. That was the worst pain of my life. It was a front tooth and I felt pain all the way up in my eyeball. No joke. I went back Wednesday and she closed it but only after giving me a second antibiotic to take. Today, it feels fine, with maybe a twinge here and there just to remind me that tooth infections are of the devil. This was a bad one and I'm down to three antibiotic pills left. One for tonight and then two tomorrow and I'm done. So, yeah, Mama and Ami, I'm finishing them! I've been known to like, you know, stop taking medicine when I get to feeling better.
Larry's eye got better and then he came down with a bad cold. My tooth is getting better and I woke up yesterday with his cold. Last night was a long, miserable night of not being able to breathe. Yay. I'm reading the Bible this year, following a 365-day plan on the YouVersion app on my phone. This month, I've been reading the book of Job. Now I don't think anything is accidental and I believe God has a plan for everything. It's no coincidence that I'm reading Job's story during a week when I've struggled. Thank you, Lord, for your grace and for your mercy and for telling me just what I need to hear just when I need to hear it!
So that's February so far for us. These first six days have been a doozy!
Poor baby is still sick. After staying up with me watching the Super Bowl, all snug and cozy in the recliner in the den with Banjo wrapped around her feet and me sitting beside her in the desk rocker,she told me she learned a lot about me watching me root for Denver, and specifically, Peyton Manning. I do get a little emotional in such games. So she is staying home today and hopefully this will get her past that hump day that signifies the illness has had its crescendo and while still irritating, it can be muscled through. She's tough as a cob and will find a way to smile and laugh and love despite what a tooth infection and a cold are trying to do to her. LARRY