Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Garden update!


I'm seeing signs that our little summer garden is winding down.  And that is FINE. WITH. ME.  This veggie-growing thing has worn me out this summer!  I think I just planted too much stuff.  I think it's been too hot.  And I think the whole squash soap opera was a bit much.  I'm still picking five or six banana peppers and a couple bell peppers every day and the cherry tomatoes are starting to turn red.

My sunflowers are absolutely beeeee-u-ti-ful and I am so proud of them.  


The cucumbers are still doing good and Larry and I enjoyed a cool cucumber salad last night (cucumbers sliced thin, sour cream, white wine vinegar, salt, pepper, fresh dill and chives).  I had a little issue with something eating my big tomatoes just as soon as they turned red and we thought it was a mouse until the other day when Larry spotted possum tracks on the hot tub cover.  I put out this inflatable snake scarecrow and so far, no more snacking out there.  This little freak was taking a bite out of every one!  Like my tomato plants were a box of chocolate.  No, you idiot, they ALL are the SAME.  Here's Monty (the python, stahhhp it) guarding our tomatoes.

 He's such a snake in the grass.

I move him around every day and blow him back up because he's pretty much flat late in the evenings.  The heat's bad on us all.


  1. It is about time for gardens to be through. Now you can go on vacation and not worry about the garden.All that will be left will be your flat snake when you get back.You and Larry have done a good farmer job on your garden. Am proud of you. Now ya'll be careful going on vacation and enjoy yourselves. Hugs and love you.
