Here's a picture I took of her in the NICU. She is soooo tiny and was struggling so hard to breathe. It was the most heartbreaking thing I've ever seen. Larry and I got to touch her and talk to her. I reached in to touch her little head and said, "Hey, Booga" and she opened her eyes right then and I snapped this picture. :)
Charlotte Rose Renee Villegas-Schneider
Born June 20, 2015
3 lbs 1 oz
17 inches long
Welcome to the world, Charlie Rose! PawPaw and Gama love you so much already.
We celebrated Charlie's birth day yesterday and we celebrated my birthday today with my daddy on Father's Day. My birthday's not until Wednesday but y'all know I celebrate the entire month of June and now I can take Charlie along for the ride!
Daddy and I got some gift cards. He's going to Lowe's and I'm going to Old Navy and Kohl's. Larry had already given me another shelf to put my Pyrex on last week and today he gave me a Troy's t-shirt that he bought when I wasn't with him, when he and Brian went to get some hamburgers before Mama and Daddy's anniversary party. Sneaky-sneak.
Here's the shelf! The one on the left, to match the one I already had on the right. I know. I should probably try to get some help or something.
And here's my PINK Troy's shirt!
Ami gave me this beautiful mixed media art that she created and I just love it. Already have it hanging on our bedroom wall.
Mama's oven is under the weather right now so she had my sweet friend, Nancy, make my birthday cake for me. I wanted a cherry cake with pink icing and that's what I got! Big old fat cherries all in it and the prettiest pinkest icing you ever saw. It was delicious!!
Once upon a time, in a land not too very far from here, Nancy and I used to swing in a tire my daddy hung from an oak tree in our backyard and we would listen to Alabama on my old beat up boom box. Never even crossed my mind that that girl would one day make a cake like this one here. It was pretty dang awesome.
Here's a picture of me and my daddy when I was a baby. I love everything about it. The vinyl couch, the plastic curtains, that Sir Henry Raeburn Boy And Rabbit painting that I look for at estate sales everywhere because of this one that belonged to my Maw, the way Daddy is looking up and how fat my cheeks are. But the best thing? The thing I love the most? Is the sweet way he's cradling me, with his fingers wrapped around my foot. I was the safest I've ever been right there, a few months old with my very young daddy.
Happy Father's Day, Daddy! I may be pushing 50 these days but I will always, always be your baby girl.
That's so sweet. Happy you had a special day,and that our littlest angel is here to start your birthday week,.I know Larry has a heap up his sleeve for you Wednesday and you will have a great Birthday. Hugs and love you.