When we were all swinged and slided out at the playground, we walked across the street to Main Street Market for some popsicles. King of Pops popsicles, actually, and I got a key lime pie one. It was so delicious and cold and yummy and I told Larry when we got home that we're just gonna have to order a box this summer! We also picked up some tomatoes, fresh zipper peas, some Fuji apples, a grapefruit and a block of Amish Vidalia onion cheese.
We left and drove over to the Little Five Points area for some Fox Bros barbecue and on the way, the March Against Monsanto protest was going on and that was pretty awesome to behold! You'd never see anything like that here in Warner Robins. We need to spend a little more time up at Little Five Points. :) I found out later that Saturday was actually a worldwide protest to try to raise public awareness of the absolute disaster that is Monsanto. It's no accident that our babies are born with more birth defects now and we're getting more and more cancers. It's the food we're eating and the styrofoam we're putting it in. Monsanto has been at this for over 100 years. Remember Saccarin? Remember how nasty it tasted? Like poison, right? Right. It was. I'm glad we got to be a small part of that protest Saturday. As a woman about to embark on a journey in fertility, I want to fight. I want to stand up for my health and the health of my baby and not sit idly by, waiting for somebody else to speak for us.
Okay, stepping down from that soapbox now.
Fox Bros was amazing! The best pulled pork sandwich I've ever had and they have really, really good sweet tea, too. That's important, that sweet tea. :) After lunch, we said our goodbyes (sniff) and then Larry and I went to Stone Mountain. And we went to the top. In the skylift. OMG.
I do not like heights.
At the top of the rock!
Stone Mountain feetsies!
We had so much fun. I am so proud of myself for getting in that skylift and going all the way to the top! All 825 feet!! But I will admit going up was a lot less scary than coming down was. I think Larry told the conductor to stomp on the gas or something. Ha! The view up there was spectacular. You can see all of Atlanta and sixty miles or so surrounding as well as the Appalachian Mountains. Yep, I'm glad I did it.
Today, we're relaxing at home. Grilled some steaks, shish kabobs and corn on the cob and had deviled eggs and of course, buttermilk pie for dessert. Later, we're going to play The Walking Dead on our new PlayStation.
Life is so good. :)
It was so good to see you all and meet that wild man you call your husband. ;-) I think Larry might be the only person Willow has teased back.