So if Christmas Eve is like floating on a calm sea, peering
up into the stars
And Christmas Day is like a rogue wave that knocks you off
your feet and envelops you into a deep dark sea of confusion
Then the day after
Christmas is like sitting in a puddle, on a muddy shore, picking sea shells out
of your bathing suit.
Beat up, tossed around…recovering from a thrill ride, all
at the same time.As excited as I was for Christmas to come, I'm relieved that it's over. It wasn't the best Christmas we've ever had. Anxiety combined with unreasonable expectations and too much sugar can make for not much peace and good will toward men. Or sisters.
All in all, it was a good day. We scaled way back on presents and that turned out pretty much perfect. I got a beautiful, warm scarf, a pair of cute pajama pants and Mama found two more of those Fire-King mugs that I love so much! I started a collection earlier this year and Mama got me a couple more. I love 'em! Mama and Daddy got us all a plate of Mennonite cinnamon rolls (yummmm!) and tons of stuff for our stockings.

Santa came to see Tabbie Hoffman, too!
This little thing right here was what it was all about, though. My 3-month-old great niece, Elizabeth AKA Lizzie AKA Bean. She's so fast just like her mama was so she's teething already and those little hands felt so good to her gums.
We're really looking forward to sharing many, many Christmases with her. It's pretty incredible having a baby in the family again. We had quite the dry spell.
I hope you all had a great Christmas and are excited to see what 2013 brings you. I know I am!