Y'all know I'm always looking for green, organic, natural shampoos, cleansers, makeup, cleaning supplies, everything! I just feel like the fewer chemicals we expose ourselves to daily, the healthier we'll be. I have not used bleach or Lysol or Pine-Sol in my house in over seven years. I clean my house weekly, dust, vacuum, scrub the bathrooms and mop. I use Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day for all-purpose cleaning, Bar Keeper's Friend for scrubbing toilets, I have a feather duster and do not use Pledge in any form or fashion and I usually mop with a mixture of white vinegar, warm water and mild dish soap. I like Seventh Generation a lot. I love love love my Swiffer and I use old washcloths for the pad when I mop. I'm as healthy as two horses sewn together (I cracked Larry up with that a couple of weeks ago when we were talking about my upcoming physical at the base. Ha!) and I get compliments all the time about how clean my house is and how good it always smells. The way I clean works for me.
I discovered the Yes To brand recently and I LOVE IT!! My favorite so far is the Yes To Blueberries line. I've tried the carrots lip balm and I like that a lot, too. Maybe even enough to put down my Burt's Bees?? May be.
Yes To uses organic fruits and vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, tomatoes and now blueberries) and they make everything free of parabens and petroleum and all kinds of other yucky stuff. All of their products are at least 95% natural, are packaged in recyclable packaging and they never, ever test on animals.
They also give a portion of their sales to provide grants for students to plant gardens of their own. I just LOVE that!
Everything in their line that I've tried so far has been awesome. The cleanser left my skin clean and smooth, the makeup remover wipes took it all off without stinging or burning and the lip balm calmed my chapped lips after I'd been out in the cold wind way too long today.
Oh, and everything SMELLS incredible!!! Good enough to eat. And I think we probably actually could eat it. :)
Mike really likes Yes to Carrots lip balm. I find the fragrance does not suit me. I must go and sniff the blueberry. I have found Weleda lately and really like it.
Mike really likes Yes to Carrots lip balm. I find the fragrance does not suit me. I must go and sniff the blueberry. I have found Weleda lately and really like it.