No matter how we say we're going to have a simple Christmas,
we never do. I'm just as guilty as the rest, though!
I mainly posted this picture because I wanted
to show off the gorgeous paper roses that Ami made for my gifts!!

Me with my gifts from Larry
These were two of them! A Cuisinart popcorn maker and a Breville stainless steel tea kettle! My baby knows what to get me. I don't like jewelry unless it's his old dog tag or my wedding rings and he knows better than to try to buy me clothes. Ha! I love stuff for my kitchen and gadgets!
And here's my gadget! A Snowbot. Cutest little thing!! You plug him into a USB port on your computer and his eyes light up (blue or red) and he makes a scary robot sound. I love him!! I think he'll hang out on the coffee table all year.
to hang from the ceiling fan in their dining room.
It was the centerpiece for our Christmas. We all loved it.

I'm so glad she liked it!!

They grew up much, much too fast!!!! :(

I think it turned out really cute!!
Some other things I got were a wonderfully warm gray fleece zip-up, cozy pink and white polka dot slippers and an opera wallet from Ami and Brian, a gray Old Navy hoodie and long-sleeved slinky t-shirt, Joshilyn Jackson's book Backseat Saints that I've been dying to read since the summer, a cute cloth makeup bag in a blue hippie paisley print, silver hoop earrings, the coolest spiced pears candle in an old-fashioned enamel jar that I just LOVE, marshmallow socks and makeup from Mama and Daddy, a beautiful ornament and yummy peppermint candle from Ricky and his family, a beautiful nativity ornament from my cousin, Sarah and a Target gift card from my sweet neighbor, David. I'm saving it for when I'm broke! Ha! I know I'm forgetting something (sorry, y'all!!) but I racked up!!
We just had the best day! Now it's time to pack everything away and get ready to begin a brand new year filled with promise and opportunity. I can't wait to see what 2011 brings us!!
We really did have a wonderful Blessed day.My main Christmas gift was having my family all together. Thanks to The Good Lord for all our Blessings. Love ya!