I went to my 25th high school reunion Saturday night. It was held at The Station in Americus and we had such a great time!! I laughed and smiled so much my face hurt. We laughed and cried and took tons of pictures, shared memories and just enjoyed each other so much.
I wouldn't have missed it for the world.
I started first grade with just about every single one of these boys and girls. They were such a huge part of my life for so long and we waited waaaaaay too long to see each other again!! Maybe we'll do better now about that.
Lookin' like a 'tard with my best friend from first grade on, Pat Bellew Dominey.

Beautiful blue sky Sunday afternoon at the Georgia National Fair!

Daddy and Mama at the fair

These people need to stop with the friedness on a stick thing.

I had such a wonderful weekend!! Got to see some old friends and spend time with my family.
It don't get much better than that.
Glad you had such a wonderful time . That makes happy memories for all. Love you