I found some of these online and I added a few of my own. Feel free to add some more!
A Southern girl:
- Always refers to her father as "Daddy".
- Never leaves the house without her hair done and her makeup on. What if you run into somebody you know??? And you know you'll run into somebody you know.
- Never tells her true age, even if she has to be 39 for 20 years.
- Never loses her temper in public. Airing one's "dirty laundry" just isn't done!
- Acquires at a very early age the art of making sweet tea, pecan pie and banana pudding.
- Always makes her Rhett Butler feel like he's the one in control when everyone knows who actually runs the show!
- Knows you don't scream obscenities at little old women who drive slow. You say, "bless her heart" and go around her.
- Always has at least two homegrown tomatoes on her kitchen counter in the summertime.
- Knows that cornbread cannot be made without a cast-iron skillet.
- Knows the difference in a hissy fit and a conniption.
- Also knows that you HAVE a conniption and you PITCH a hissy fit.
- Knows how many fish, collards, peas, beans, etc., make up a mess.
- Knows exactly how long "directly" is, as in, "I'll be back directly."
- Knows the best thing for a grieving family is a platter of fried chicken and some cold potato salad.
- Knows that "just down the road" could be one mile or twenty.
- Makes friends while in line.
- Knows the plural of y'all is all y'all.
And from the mouth of Kenny Chesney...

If you don't get it, bless your heart!
:) Lovin' the plural of y'all. I heard that in Savannah.
ReplyDeleteLOL, I love it! I can relate to all that, except you know I ain't finna have no tomatoes out on my counter, or in my house at all, for that matter. Unless they're in a can and I'm about to make some lasagna. :D