Larry wrote me the sweetest poem and I just had to share it! He's such a doll baby and writes me poems all the time but this one, this one...well, I'll let you be the judge.
She loved her baby dolls
and a country music band
but the love that made her cry
was the one that licked her hand.
She would walk and he would run,
they wore that dirt road out,
laughter she still hears because
what is Boo without his Scout?
He had a table scrap smile
and a t-bone steak heart,
there wasn't anything
that could keep those two apart.
Too fast came the last goodbye,
gone, her furry little friend,
no wet nose and wagging tail,
but he loved her to the end.
Like shrapnel and a tattoo,
she was wounded and marked
by the half-breed heartbreaker
who jumped and ran and barked.
A stray mutt one day appeared,
you learned to call him baby,
he wasn't much to look at,
your mama called him crazy.
A new love you found that day,
he said his name was Larry,
then you made him wag his tail,
this man that you would marry.
When too fast he'll say goodbye,
he will look up your old friend.
They'll tell each other stories
over and over again.
We will jump and run and play
'til the Pearly Gates you see,
waiting for Jesus to bring you
to be with Odie and me.

This is the only picture I have of my Odie. Biting a flea on his tail! He was born the summer I turned 13 and died of heart worms in March of 1988, at the very young age of eight. He broke my heart and I've never had a dog, cat or pet of any kind since him. I promised him when he was dying that I'd never love another dog. Ever. And I haven't. I may not ever. I still cry when I talk about him. He was the runt of one of Reckless' many litters and was the most beautiful golden color I'd ever seen, almost yellow, and since I was a Garfield freak back then, I named him Odie. I remember walking with him down Pine Road behind our house and he would always walk ahead of me a little bit, scoping out the place, making sure it was safe. I would play with him by just stopping in the middle of the road and he would turn around and come back for me and just stand there beside me until I was ready to walk again. He never failed to come back for me. He was the best dog, companion, friend. When he got sick and Dr. Derrick told me I needed to have him put to sleep, I just couldn't. I went to pick him up at the vet and as soon as he saw me, he jumped up in that pen and started wagging his tail, so happy to see me. I said, "Come on, boy, let's go home." I got some pain pills from the doctor and put Odie in the back seat of my Chrysler LeBaron with the velour seats and we stopped by C-Mart and I got a pack of bologna. Odie loved bologna. We went home and for the next few days, I wrapped a pain pill up in a slice of bologna and fed them to him. He died one afternoon while I was at work, right there by the back door. Daddy buried him out near the old railroad trestle where we used to live.
This dog has ruined me for pets!! Everybody says I need a pet, I need a dog, I need a cat, I need something. I just can't bring myself to love another one. I made a promise to him and I know that's silly and since Odie was so full of love and life, he would want me to love another dog. I just haven't yet. And it's been 23 years!
I made a promise to Larry, too. I'll never love another man. I'm a one-man and a one-dog woman! :)